

Steven Paul Jobs aka Steve Jobs where born the 24th February 1955 in San Francisco, California, by two students named Joanne Carole Schieble (mother) and Abdulfattah "John" Jandali (father). 

Joanne was from Switzerland and Abdulfattah from Syria, so when Steve was born they had to give him up for adoption, because Joanne was a Catholic and Abdulfattah a muslim. Her family said she couldn't have the baby because Abdulfattah was a muslim so it where against their faith. In the adoption papers they wrote that he only could be adopted by someone who had graduated from college.

Steve where then adopted by Paul Reinhold Jobs (1922-1993) and Clara Jobs (1924-1986), but none of them had graduated from college, so they promised Joanne and Abdulfattah that Steve would go to college.


Paul worked as a machinist at a company that maked lasers, so he got Steve into the electronic world and thought him about it. He learned him to make radios and televisions and how to repair them. That was now Steve's hobby. 

Steve had a lot of problems in the school, he wouldn't learn anything, all the teachers said that he will never get success with anything, Steve said "I can't outstand a grown up trying to teach me something" Steve was only interested in computer stuff. 

After school  Steve then attented Cupertino Junior High and Homestead High School in Cupertino, California. At Homestead, Steve became friends with his neighbor Bill Fernandez, who also liked electronics. Bill then introduced Steve to an older nerd named Steve Wozniak, who showed Steve a little computer device he had made, and then Steve got a vision.

Then in 1972 Steve joined Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Reed where a very expensive college, so Paul and Clara had both two jobs, so Steve could go there. But Steve quickly found out how borring it was, so he dropped out after six month. Steve only wanted to create computers.

Steve Wozniak quickly became Jobs's best friend, they where together for weeks only talking about computers, and how they would sell them. Jobs got a job at the game company Atari where he assembled gaming devices. Now he really wanted to start making his own company.

He said to Wozniak he should start the process of making a computer, but they hadn't any money so they couldn't get started. But Jobs had a gift from god in speaking, so he got parts from every computer company that existed. Wozniak quickly got started, and when he where done he showed it to Jobs, who already after seeing it made a lot of calls trying to sell it. Wozniak, Jobs and Ronald Wayne mass produced Wozniak's computer the, Apple 1 in Paul and Clara Jobs's garage.

Steve and Steve made newer and better versions all the time, and then it where enough for Wozniak, because he wanted to make computers for computer nerds meanwhile Jobs wanted everybody to have one. Jobs had good years and bad years on his journey to success, he got fired from Apple, he made NeXT, he made Pixar and a lot more.

Steve died the 5th October, 2011. His last words was: I know Apple is in good hands.

“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me.” - (Steve Jobs to The Wall Street Journal, May 25, 1993)

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